Thursday, 28 July 2011

Apple Shop Price Display

So I ventured into one of the famous Apple store to explore getting an external storage hard drive, well as always the Apple branded drive are over-priced, but I did not get what I actually went for.
One good thing I observed though is the fact that all the Sales assistance do have iPad at hand to use for searching and answering your queries. It's good that they are indeed using their own device, which shows us the customer that iPad is more than a fancy gadgets. It will also enable the staff to learn how to use the device and probably enable to further be able to tackle tricky questions that someone like me will have.
That was all good, but the one that really amazed me was the fact that they went as far as using iPads for the price display. It gives you loads of information which they might not normally be able to display on print board. There was a functionality that allows you to call for assistance via the device if needed.

Again, respect to Apple. They always lead from the front.

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