Thursday, 28 July 2011

London zoo

London zoo
Good friend, ms B called me on Thursday late evening asking if I wanted to head to the Zoo, hmm I said before reluctantly saying yes. In a nutshell

Still remains unbelievable that some many animals can be secured in solace like this, the lions, monkeys, fish, etc.
The ticket was obtained via Goupon thanks to a friend.

There were various food outlets here, Jamaican, Ghanian, Mexican, and even special Vegetarians. We went for the Ghanian, a bit of everything(jollof rice, meat stew, beans, spinach). Friend went for Mexican instead.

It was fun to see adults going on the rides. I could not resist the chance either, made me feel like a kid. Thank God the kids were not allowed, else they will be crying.

Would I say it's a good way to spend Friday, damn yes.

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