Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Monetary Policy Committee Minutes - March 2010

The Monetary Policy committee published the minutes for the meeting held on 3rd and 4th of March 2010. CLICK HERE to obtain a copy of the minutes.

Here are my views based on the points highlighted in the document:

-(point no 2): guessing Greece is one of the countries that investors have uncertainty about, but the hedge funds are happy to be betting against it.

-(point no 4): Shame I don't have UK bonds at my disposal.

-(point no 6): Couple of my friends do not share the same view that their equity portfolio has gone up by 5%.

-(point no 10): Am suprised India was not highlighted as I thought the country's economy is going rapidly as well.

-(point no 14): Investors will not be happy with this point at all.

-(point no 15): HSBC did a marketing ploy in today's papers by advertising their big lending to Businesses, wise move I think.

-(point no 18): .......Second, over the pastyear, oil prices had increased by around 70%. Am guessing Virgin group (owned by Richard Branson) will be smiling now has I read that they have some options that enables them to buy oil at a much lower price.

-(point no 22): ......fallen by 12,000 in three months to December, could that be as a result of recruitment drive for Christmas?

-(point no 30) - This to be me a political strategy, once the Election is over we should all be expecting interest rate hike.

CLIK HERE to visit the link for BBC take on the Interest Rate Freeze, based on the meeting.

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