Monday, 29 November 2010

Blackberry Jokes of the day

So couple of Jokes hit my blackberry messenger today, hence thought I share it with you lot. As I don't know who composed the jokes can't give credit, hence bear with me.

1) Spelling Error
One spelling mistake can destroy many things:- How would you explain this if it were you? A husband wrote a message on his official trip to the wifey and forgot to add an 'e' at the end of a word......I'm having such a wonderful time, wish you were her !!!

2) Laugh it out
A man sits for hours looking at his Marriage Certificate. The wife asks, What are you doing?, and he answers: I'm looking for the expiry date.

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Relationship break-up period courtesy Facebook status

The leading social media, yes am referring to Facebook tells a lot about about our friends, family, and of course the whole world. It did not come as surprise when David McCandless was able to get the necessary data for graphically presenting the relationship break ups of those users that were brave to announce to their friends(and to some extent the world) that they have broken up.
The peak periods are:
  • March, after the valentine period, in time for Spring break.
  • 2 weeks before the christmas break. Talk about great financial planning.
It would have been amazing to see how this relates to different region of the world, age, race, etc.
"thats really horrid... my little sensitive soul has been disrupted"...was the response from one of my facebook friend after sharing it on my profile.
Click on the graph below to see the large version, or click here to visit the website.

Credits to David McCandless(an award-winning writer, designer and author based in London) & Lee Byron(a designer, an artist, a biker, an overachiever and a dreamer) for creating and sharing it in the public domain.

Monday, 1 November 2010

T-Mobile Phone Advert

Came across this video over the weekend thanks to a friend, and must say it's probably one of the greatest advert I have ever come across. One could mistakenly think it's an advert for Heathrow Terminal 5. Maybe one day we will be welcomed home this way.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Personal Career Assessment

Was reading a Business related book earlier in this week, and this points which relates to personal career assessment caught my attention, hence thought I share it.
  • What projects did you work on in the last six months.
  • What new responsibilities did you take on in these projects.
  • What new knowledge have you acquired.
  • What value have you created for the company and our clients.
There was confirmation that a well known IT consultancy company uses this assessment for their staffs, twice a year.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Robert Swan - Leadership and Team Key highlights

Robert Swan (OBE) better know for his great polar (South and North) explorer, an environmental leader, first person to walk unsupported to the North and South poles, an exceptionally gifted and natural communicator. He is also regarded as a visionary and a strategist, especially from environment point of view. Was lucky to be invited to one of his talk, below are the key points which I think should be shared.

•When forming a team, always choose the right people fit for the job. Don't choose people because they are your friend or relative. People you share different views are better at pushing you more, as they will allow you to see points from different angle.
•To have a very strong bond within the team, it is essential that everyone tells the truth, and open minded. Humour is also a great factor to keep the team bond.
•Planning and preparation are very crucial, but ensure you get on with what needs to be done during the execution stage. Don’t waste time planning, planning, and planning to do planning.
•After every success it is essential to stop and celebrate, on a personal or team level before moving on to the next challenge. Not celebrating mean you might not appreciate what you have achieved so far.
•As a leader, think carefully before making commitment. Once that commitment is made, ensure you stick to it. Not fulfilling your promise means people won’t you take you seriously.
•Customers are king, ensure you engage them in order to excite them.
•It is essential not to loose your temper. A lot of us loose our temper, but after cooling off we do regret what we have said or done during the heat of the moment.
•The problem of a person in your team is the problem of the leader.
•Everybody needs to be engaged in a team. Ensure no one is left out in any way.
•Leadership is about being relevant. It is also the role of the leader to keep inspiration and spirit of the team going.
•We sometimes miss things when were are very close to it, hence don’t be afraid to think outside the box, or open things up.

The fact that the Antarctica Treaty expires in 2041 is what his current website is based on. He also pointed out that its called Climate Change, not global warming as we mostly referred the condition to. Climate change is a natural change, but human activities seem to be speeding up the event.

visit further information, and possibly join the cause.

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Unwritten Rules for the Business Man/Woman

I decided to compile this based on personal experience, books have read, and the general media. Some are true, others are crazy talk, some have been proven, while a reasonable chunk of this compilation could be regarded as junk.

-Ensure you know the business of others and use the information to your very advantage. Give people a slight insight what you are up to(just so that they don't feel cold towards you), but due to the fact that a lot of people like to appear superior allow them to do all the talking.

-Experience is the best teacher(we all know that), hence don't be afraid of failure, it can only but lead to success.

-When in the process of selling the business, just keep telling the staffs and general public that you are not selling, guess it gives the confidence and keeps the motivation alive. Was reading the paper couple of weeks back, with Mohammed Al Fayed saying Harrods store is not for sale, and all of a sudden it was sold for £1.5bn. If your company is own by shareholders, of course everybody (staffs, general public) will have to know.

-Do business in sectors that that are unregulated. The good thing is that there are no rules and ethics to worry about, but do remember it could potentially tannish your brand at a later date. For instance in the UK, peak train tickets are not regulated, hence train companies are able to push up price as much as they wish. Another example was the Investment Banks trading sythentic CDOs.

-Less is more. Keep things very simple, complicating things makes it very challenging to people and they might loose interest. Presenting complicating things in a simple way is even better.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Monetary Policy Committee Minutes - March 2010

The Monetary Policy committee published the minutes for the meeting held on 3rd and 4th of March 2010. CLICK HERE to obtain a copy of the minutes.

Here are my views based on the points highlighted in the document:

-(point no 2): guessing Greece is one of the countries that investors have uncertainty about, but the hedge funds are happy to be betting against it.

-(point no 4): Shame I don't have UK bonds at my disposal.

-(point no 6): Couple of my friends do not share the same view that their equity portfolio has gone up by 5%.

-(point no 10): Am suprised India was not highlighted as I thought the country's economy is going rapidly as well.

-(point no 14): Investors will not be happy with this point at all.

-(point no 15): HSBC did a marketing ploy in today's papers by advertising their big lending to Businesses, wise move I think.

-(point no 18): .......Second, over the pastyear, oil prices had increased by around 70%. Am guessing Virgin group (owned by Richard Branson) will be smiling now has I read that they have some options that enables them to buy oil at a much lower price.

-(point no 22): ......fallen by 12,000 in three months to December, could that be as a result of recruitment drive for Christmas?

-(point no 30) - This to be me a political strategy, once the Election is over we should all be expecting interest rate hike.

CLIK HERE to visit the link for BBC take on the Interest Rate Freeze, based on the meeting.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


On a slightly cold Monday evening on my way home from work, picked up the free Evening Standard newspaper, the article that took my attention was on the internet venture called called BLIPPY.

Blippy is encouraging you to share your credit card and debit-card numbers with it, as well as your bank account details, Amazon, Blockbusters, iTunes, eBay, GoDaddy accounts, etc. Then it will broadcast the details of every purchase you make using the accounts, in real time, to other Blippy users. According to the site, "Blippy is a fun and easy way to see and discuss the things people are buying."

The brains behind the genius(or crazy idea) are Ashvin Kumar, Chris Estreich, and Philip Kaplan. Am guessing Ashvin and Chris probably met at Stanford, as they both graduated in 2005.

From Ashvin blippy feed, I was able to see that he spent $231.66 at Intercontinental Hotel for 2 nights stay in Houston, around 22nd February 2010. Also observed that he likes his food, a lot, as he eats out at Uzumaki Sushi Restaurant, Ninfas, Lotus Thia Curry, Back A Yard Grill, etc. The fact that am able to know this details might scary to some, but people(excluding you and me) that seriously embrace technology see this as the norm.

Apart from the Marketing companies being able to target customers more precisely, and people trying to show-off how much/where they spend their hard earned cash, I really do not see the point for this.

I will consult MYSPACE to know what type of music you are into. LINKEDIN to know about your career. FACEBOOK to know all about your social life. Now I just need to consult BLIPPY to see what you spend your cash on.....In that case, no need for your autobiography.

Until the security aspect, and benefits to me are clearly highlighted, don't think am in a hurry to join.