Monday, 4 February 2008

Microsoft Combined with Yahoo, a recipe for......

Thank goodness it was friday, was in the process of switching of my pc, its been a busy week work hard as ever on web projects, but thought let me quickly take a quick glance at the bbc news website technology section, Microsoft wants to buy Yahoo was the headline. I checked the calendar and realise it was no where near April 1st, hence it was not a fools day joke.

$44 billion is not a small price to pay in order to have a bigger share of the $80 billion online search market, which Google currently leads the way. I dont really know how Microsoft would dissolve Yahoo into its already big company, but am sure it MIGHT work.

They are still in the proposal stage, but Google has already wants regulators to scrutinise the proposed buy out.

Damn... I might now need to combine my Hotmail with Yahoo Mail, but lets wait and see

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