Monday, 4 February 2008

ASDA New Website

It was a long journey back home from visiting my sister yesterday, hence decided to pop into WHSmith and pick up my favourite web design Magazine, but for some strange reason could not find the .NET Magazine on the stand. The Marketing magazine caught my eyes and the headline that struck me was the new proposed Asda website Walmart (owner of Asda) have got in mind.

Apparently the top UK digital shops inline for the project is Avenue A | Razorfish, whose client according to their website includes: Oxfam, Pringles, Capital One, Bosch Tools, Garnier, New York Times, just to mention a few.

According to the article, visit to the ecommerce portal rose by 85% in the year 2007 to just under 3m in December according to the Nielsen/NetRatings. The 3m visit to the Asda website is still way short of the 6.9m unique visit to - UK biggest retailer with more than 30% share of the retail market.

I would be keeping an eye on the progress to see how it all shapes up.

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