Sunday, 1 June 2014

Jordan Belfort Interview to Sunday Times

For those that are big fan of the 2013 movie called "The Wolf of Wall Street" or those that work in the city, will no doubt have heard of the famous (former) stockbroker called Jordan Belfort.

Confirmation is that Belfort cheated investors out of $200m (£120m) as chairman of the now defunct broker Stratton Oakmont. Jailed in 2003 and ordered to pay investors back to the tune of $110m.

Key highlights from the interview which Jordan Belfort did with The Sunday Times on 1st June 2014 edition.
  • Wealth portfolio is 30% in cash, and currently does not own a property
  • Preference is investments in unlisted Business
  • No wallet, but holds some cash. He uses a lot of Credit cards, but pays all off at the end of the month in order to avoid interest payments
  • The only restriction he has imposed on himself is that he no longer can own a brokerage firm
  • Previous weakness was hookers and drugs. Now it's travelling. 
  • Property is good retirement but it should be part of a balanced portfolio
  • Highest loss of $5m - $6m was from a investment in stores called Dollar Time. It failed due to bad leases, located in bad locations, had a crappy inventory, and suffered from bad management
You need to "respect it" was his response when the interviewer (Ali Hussain) asked what's the most important lesson you have learnt about money?

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