Thursday, 19 January 2012

UN 2300 Population Forecast

Yes, I agree with you that all of the generation Y (.. the term generally used to describe people born in the1980s and early 1990s, sometimes including those born as late as the year 2000...) will be dead by 2300, but that did not stop the United Nations (UN) Population division from compiling the long-range population. Am sure the report did not factor in potential of a world war (only a matter of time at this rate), and also any outbreak of a killer disease (or perhaps I have been watching too many hollywood movie).

You can get hold of the report from here. It's about 254 pages long, hence browse accordingly.

According to the article, the six largest countries in 2000, in order, are China, India, the United States of America, Indonesia, Brazil, and the Russian Federation. Together they cover 51 per cent of world population. By 2050, the six largest will be India, China, the United States of America, Pakistan, Indonesia, and Nigeria. Looking back to 1950, one sees that China, India, the United States of America, and Indonesia have been fixtures among the top six, but the other two have changed and will change. Occupying the other two slots are the Russian Federation and Japan for 1950, Brazil and the Russian Federation for 2000, and Pakistan and Nigeria for 2050.

Nigeria will remain the most populated country in Africa in 2300 at an estimated 282.8m, followed by Ethiopia at 206.5m. By the report(refer to page 56), 6 of the top 20 populated nation is an African nation. For Africa to feed the estimated growth, then it will have to get his gear in tact before then. India estimated to overtake China around 2028. Around 2050, India's pop will be 1.53bn, while China will be 1.40bn, the difference is an outstanding 136m or 9.7%.

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