Thursday, 1 December 2011

Masterchef - points Taken

Lessons that I have learnt so far from watching masterchef are below:
  1. Peel the skin of the peas - attention to details.
  2. Take the wish bone out of a bird when preparing - comes in handy during carving.
  3. Presentation should be nice - simple, formal, and should be described as tidy.
  4. Fish should not be 
  5. Sauces should be thick enough so that it holds and adds kick to the main.
  6. Vegetables should be cooked enough, yet should retain it's colour and be crispy(for those of that nature).
  7. Learn, understand, and appreciate the cooking style of the judge that will be judging your cooking. For instance, you must understanding French classics which is one of the cooking style of Michel Roux Jnr (Chef judge on UK Master Chef Profressional).
Link to Resources

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