Thursday, 11 October 2007

Free Flex Training at Total Training

Flex, according to (2007), enables you to create expressive, high-performance applications that run identically on all major browsers and operating systems.

At first glance to me it looks like Flash, but after some reading I was made to belief that though they are similar( as they both use Actionscript) but at the same time they are different but not that different.

One of the great feature I like about it is the ability to represent data in a grahpical format through the chart capability add on.

At $499 for the standard version and $749 for the Flex with chart, you would agree it does not come cheap. But the ability to easily create rich application for clients and personal use is marvellous.

As a novice that likes to learn about new and emerging technology, I was looking for online sources to learn how to use the technology, luckily I found a free 30 days training from total training courtesy of Adobe.

Well I am off to start learning how to use the application!

Link to download a trial version of flex

Link to get free 30 days flex training

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