Sunday, 1 September 2013

Kevin Hart Show in London Town

Through one of the Meetup group which am part of, was lucky enough to find out that kevin Hart's "Let Me Explain" film was going to be shown at the cinema, one and only show, after which he was going to come on stage for a Q&A session.

From what I could gather, he used the show to address some personal questions/rumours that was flying round at the time. Came out straight about his recent divorce, jokingly, but there was something serious about it. Good point he made was that he is very bad at lying. When he was caught cheating on the mother of his kids, he could have just sat down with her and for them to work things out, but one lie to another other meant the relationship was doomed for failure. In one of the youTube clips about the show, she stated there was nothing bitter about it, and they remain good friends.

Saw the show at the Cineworld 02 arena, in the Superscreen room. The screening was actually sold out. Show was slated to commence at 7:30pm, but think it actually only kicked off around 8:45pm, but again that's African time for you.

F**k yourself/that, N***a!, and go kill yourself were just some of the intense words used during the film. I sense some people would have taken offence to it, but at the same time I expect the offended people to already know what there were coming to see.

During the Q&A session, the way he answered questions and conducted himself shows that he is humble, gracious as a person (pointed out by one of the friend I went with) and damn right funny guy. In my view (and on rare occasions), he did not actually give a sensible answer to some questions.
A lot of the questions came in from the viewers via twitter #LetMeExplainUK and some came from the room.