Sunday, 12 August 2012

Handball - Olympics 2012

Handball, according to wikipedia entry is a team sport in which two teams of 7 players each pass a ball to throw it into the goal of the other team. I first had the opportunity to experience it at the bronze stage of the London 2012 Olympics, and must say that am glad I was one of the lucky to have secured a ticket for such event. 

Women Korea v Spain were the teams playing for the third place at the game, and must say it was a serious contact sport and the game delivered an exciting one. The two sets of 30mins was played with no clear winner, the two sets of 5mins over-time was played and still no winner, but during the double-overtime, Spain finally came through to win the game at 29 - 31. The final game was between Nor v MNE(Montenegro) with the result of 26 - 23. 

According to IHF(International Handball Federation) Korea and Spain are rated 8th and 16th respectively. Thanks to the dutch man seating next to me, found out that handball is a big sport in Germany and some other European countries, and judging by the ranking of the federations by IHF, must 100% agree with him. 

Couple of things that I noticed/learnt from my first game of handball:
  1. Teams do have timeouts (similar to what I experienced at the basketball), think it was about 5mins duration.
  2. Team can make as many changes as possible
  3. If there is no winner after the 2 rounds of 30 minutes, then there is overtime and double overtime before the game goes in penalty stage. 
  4. There is a bigger net to protect the crowds seating at the back of goals so as not to be hurt. 
  5. Spot where a player falls had to be cleaned every time, this is to prevent slippage of the players. 
  6. Spain brought in Mihaela Ciobanu Ciobanu (#39) specifically to save penalties, which on my count, she saved at least four. 
  7. Korea's Han Na Gwon (#7) was my favourite player, the way she moves, and the fact that she is ready to hard on the Spanish defenders, amazed me. 
Game in Play

Crowd at the game

KOR Team Strategy during timeout

 ESP Team Strategy during timeout

Net to protect crowd from being by the ball

Final Score. Spain (ESP) won the game

Saying goodbye

Spain team letting it sink in
ESP thanking the fans