Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Ibiza San Antonio Sunset Strip

This was the amazing sight that greeted us when we headed to Sun strip end of San Antonio in Ibiza. The spot I took this from is only few metres from the famous cafe Mambo.
Seeing it for real is mind blowing. Take a closer look to see the sun going to bed as I call it, couple of boats/yacht, and a paraglidder. Amazing view indeed

Fired Email

This was the email sent to Yahoo staffs(well the lucky remaining ones) when the Carol Bartz was let go as the CEO through a phone call. Apparently the Chairman was a duck as he was not brave enough to tell her to her face, and apparently the mode of firing her was so last century. 

Religion - Penis ?

Got this image through one of the post made by a friend on Facebook, and could not stop laughing, hence thought I share it with you. unlike religion, penis is not the cause of most of the wars going on this days.