Sunday, 14 August 2011

Flight Information Point at Train station

Canning Town DLR station(London, UK) which is 3 stops away from the London City Airport makes flight status information available to those that might be on their way to catch a plane. Some might say it's no big deal, but I have been to some Airports where travellers can't even find out the status of flights as there is no information board of such, hence to then have it couple of train stations before the airport is amazing in my own view.
Guess it's just a matter of time before they start making the information available in the DLR train carriages for those that go the route of the Airport.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Do your homework

When turning up to make a presentation to investors, things to consider include but not limited to:
-Prove, demonstrate, and sell the passion you have for the business.
-Understand the P&L, the figures are important. Need to know the granular (e.g. wage bill, rent, insurance, etc). [Remember that having passion does not necessarily mean you will succeed].
-Don't get defensive. Acknowledge the advise being put across by the investors.
-Only say as much as you need to say, talking too much will bore the investors, and you will probably loose them.
-Having a patent for the idea is essential, not easy to get in some countries, but well worth it.

Pizza Express Payment

"You can now pay your bill using the PizzaExpress iPhone app & PayPal account...Download the app & enter the code below" was the statement written on the Pizza Express receipt obtained after a dinner at their restaurant. I find this to be an innovative genius on their part. As part of my interest, now actually downloaded the app on my phone.

The image below shows the snapshot of the iPhone app. Apart from paying your bills, can also view menu (food & drinks), finding a branch and booking table

The image below is the receipt. Maybe they should start having digital receipt which can automatically be loaded to one's Pizza Express app, hence saving them printing it.