Sunday, 27 June 2010

Robert Swan - Leadership and Team Key highlights

Robert Swan (OBE) better know for his great polar (South and North) explorer, an environmental leader, first person to walk unsupported to the North and South poles, an exceptionally gifted and natural communicator. He is also regarded as a visionary and a strategist, especially from environment point of view. Was lucky to be invited to one of his talk, below are the key points which I think should be shared.

•When forming a team, always choose the right people fit for the job. Don't choose people because they are your friend or relative. People you share different views are better at pushing you more, as they will allow you to see points from different angle.
•To have a very strong bond within the team, it is essential that everyone tells the truth, and open minded. Humour is also a great factor to keep the team bond.
•Planning and preparation are very crucial, but ensure you get on with what needs to be done during the execution stage. Don’t waste time planning, planning, and planning to do planning.
•After every success it is essential to stop and celebrate, on a personal or team level before moving on to the next challenge. Not celebrating mean you might not appreciate what you have achieved so far.
•As a leader, think carefully before making commitment. Once that commitment is made, ensure you stick to it. Not fulfilling your promise means people won’t you take you seriously.
•Customers are king, ensure you engage them in order to excite them.
•It is essential not to loose your temper. A lot of us loose our temper, but after cooling off we do regret what we have said or done during the heat of the moment.
•The problem of a person in your team is the problem of the leader.
•Everybody needs to be engaged in a team. Ensure no one is left out in any way.
•Leadership is about being relevant. It is also the role of the leader to keep inspiration and spirit of the team going.
•We sometimes miss things when were are very close to it, hence don’t be afraid to think outside the box, or open things up.

The fact that the Antarctica Treaty expires in 2041 is what his current website is based on. He also pointed out that its called Climate Change, not global warming as we mostly referred the condition to. Climate change is a natural change, but human activities seem to be speeding up the event.

visit further information, and possibly join the cause.