Saturday 3 March 2012


As the saying goes, "Education is the best gift of life", and seems the guys at Khan Academy have replicated that statement using the internet. The academy describes itself as a not-for-profit with the goal of changing education for the better by providing a free world-class education to anyone anywhere.

Arithmetic (algebra, trigonometry, probability, calculus, statistics), Science (biology, chemistry, healthcare, physics, computer science), Finance (core finance, banking & money, valuation & investing, currency), History, and Art History, are just some of the subject areas covered on the site.

Each lesson is available in video format which is clear, concise, and intuitive. Note that you don't even need to register to watch the videos. If you happen to be a YouTube junky, then Khan Academy channel is the place to visit, click here to get there.

Registering (or log in via Google or Facebook account) means you can keep record of "Practices" which are done by the learner to assess his/her level of understanding. Parents/teachers have a dashboard that they can use to monitor the progress of the learner with time once the learner adds them as a coach. It will all make sense once you explore the site.

Key note of the day is access to internet is key, but see the brains at Khan Academy have also made it possible (though not officially supported) to have the server offline, with support for Windows and Mac. Click here for the instruction and here for the download server

The materials of Khan Academy are also available via iTunesU library. If you happen to have any of the Apple supported products (iPhone, iPad) then videos can be downloaded and carried with you.

Strongly recommend that you get your kids onboard on this as it will be very beneficial to them.

A big thanks goes to the founder Salman Khan (@khanacademy) for the vision, and making this available to the world.

Khan Academy in iTunesU
Downloading Khan Academy for offline

There is something for everyone as I was able to find a video to educate myself on the currency market.